The Healer’s Mesa

The Healer’s Mesa (Hampeq Misa)
April 25-28, 2015. Dodgeville, WI
A master class taught by Peruvian Altomisayoq, Adolfo Ttito Condori,
translation with Ana Larramendi

Save $150 if you register by February 20, 2015!
In this Master Class we will start with general knowledge about the Andean misa: different types of misas, their various functions, characteristics and qualities. This will give students a greater overview of understanding the misa in general. Adolfo will also describe the history of the khuya misas and the changes the misa has suffered in the times that have passed recently in this spiritual cosmology. From here we will focus specifically in the deeper study and practice of the hampi misa, because in our times it is important to know this for healing and protection.
The Hampeq Misa (also called the hampi misa) is a very specific type of misa whose primary purpose is healing. Typically containing huchas rumis (stones who specifically remove hucha) we will learn more details about this fascinating type of misa in this Master Class.

For example: Which medicine stones (khuyas) are used for yourself or for others? Which are the khuyas that remain in your principal misa? What is the history of the hampeq misa? How is the hampeq misa constructed? How is the hampeq misa different from other misas? What type of khuyas are in it? How are they are gathered? Are there special ceremonies needed to prepare the khuyas? What are different types of healing practices with the hampi misa? Adolfo will include teaching us healing techniques and practices that are part of traditional Andean Cosmology. The objective of this class is to know, practice and understand the hampeq misa. If time allows, we will also explore the chumpi misa and misa collectivo.

Adolfo is a masterful teacher who embodies what he teaches and encourages one to work with confidence, faith and love in what one is doing. He knows that the most profound comprehension comes with regular practice in harmony with the cosmos and the Andean Spirits. To my knowledge, Adolfo has never taught a class specifically dedicated to the Hampeq Misa. This will be a rare opportunity to learn this indigenous knowledge of the Andes.

Prerequisites: This class is for people who study Andean cosmology and/or already have a mesa or are in the process of building one. If you have not studied with Adolfo Ttito Condori before, or with one of his students, I highly recommend attending:
The Mesa & Andean Cosmology, February 27th to March 1st. taught by Ana Larramendi. This class teaches many of the foundational practices from Adolfo’s Q’anchi and Inka traditional Andean roots and will give you much needed context to follow the teachings of the Hampeq Misa. This is not a requirement, but a suggestion. Contact Ana if you have questions

Dates & Times: Begins Saturday, April 25, at 1:00pm. Class ends on Tuesday, April 28, at 3:00pm.
This residential includes dormitory-style sleeping quarters and delicious meals with vegetarian options.
Cost: (Save an extra $75 if you take both classes! Includes Friday night lodging-Apr. 24)
Super-Early registration postmarked by Feb. 20: $1075 ($2075 for both classes)
Early registration postmarked by Mar. 20: $1150
Full price after March 20: $1225
Send in your registration with $400 to reserve your space.
Last day for registration is April 17, 2015. Payment can be made with check, PayPal, VISA or MC.
Space is limited so please register early.
Registration:  Fill out a registration sheet and mail it with either a full payment or $200 deposit made out to:
The Hollow Bone, 1225 E. Dayton St. Madison, WI. 53703
Upon receipt of your registration and deposit an equipment list and map with directions will be sent to you.
Questions? Please contact Ana Larramendi: 608-255-4333, email:
Registration for Adolfo’s classes: 1. Sacred Offerings. 2. Healer’s Mesa 

Participant Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________

City ________________________________ State __________ Zip__________

Phone: ____________________________E-mail: ________________________

Are you a mesa carrier? Circle one:  Yes   No   Just starting

Please circle your food preference:  Omnivorous, no red meat, vegetarian, vegan.
There will be a gluten-free option available, please inquire.
We will try to accommodate everyone, however if you have special diet restrictions you may wish to supplement meals with some of your own food. If you have a specific food allergy, please mention it here.

Mail This Registration to:
The Hollow Bone, 1225 E. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53703
For credit card processing call Ana Larramendi 608-255-4333
Registration deadlines: Extra early by Feb. 20. Early by Mar. 20. Full price after Mar. 20
I am signing up for: (Check & circle one)
1. Sacred Offerings, April 21-24, 2015: $1075/$1150/$1225 ________
2. The Healer’s Mesa, April 25-28, 2015: $1075/$1150/$1225 ________
3. Both trainings: April 21-28, 2015: $2075/$2150/$2225:_________
4. I wish to arrive the night before class starts (April 20 or 24): Add $48_______
(This price [$48] includes lodging with full breakfast)

Prices include instruction, all meals, and lodging. A $400 deposit reserves your space for 1 or both classes. The reduced rates apply to early registrations postmarked by Feb. 20th or Mar. 20th 2015. 
Last day for registering is April 17th, 2015 
Final payment is due at registration and check-in time for your class.

Make checks payable to: The Hollow Bone.

Deposit Paid: _________Balance Due: ___________

Method of Payment: Check, PayPal, VISA, MC (please call Ana for credit card deposits)

Contact Person: Ana Larramendi, Phone: 608-255-4333,
Workshop Location: Bethel Horizons Retreat Center, Dodgeville, Wisconsin.
A one-hour drive west of Madison, adjoining Governor Dodge State Park.

Once your deposit and registration information is received you will be sent a supply list, a map with directions and a recommended clothing list. Dorm rooms have 4-8 beds to a room, I try to put no more than 2 people per room. Please specify on the back of this sheet if there is anyone you wish to room with. Lodging at Bethel will be available the night before each class for an extra $48, which includes breakfast. We cannot guarantee private rooms. However, for privacy, if you wish to stay at a nearby hotel, a lodging discount is available, please inquire.

If you are flying in from out of state please fly into the Dane Country Regional Airport in Madison, WI (MSN) which is 1 hour away from the retreat center. Your flight should arrive no later than: 8:30am April 21st, or 11:00am April 25th 2015(depending on the class) and depart no earlier than 3:00pm April 24th or 5:30pm April 28th2015-depending on the class). Please contact Ana to coordinate your travel plans and transportation to and from the airport. Shuttle costs between the airport and Bethel Horizons are an additional expense

Cancellation policy: A full refund will be paid for cancellations up till March 20, 2015. Afterwards cancellations will be charged a $100.00 processing fee between March 21 and April 1, 2015. No refunds will be made for cancellations after April 1, 2015.
If the workshop is cancelled, CHW, Ltd (The Hollow Bone) will refund your workshop payments. However, we are not liable for lost airfares/reservations and other expenses incurred by you for the workshop.

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